Wim Delvoye
L’ordre des choses,
Variable dimensions
Courtesy of Wim Delvoye.
L’ordre des choses (The Order of Things, 2024), has a special role in the Particolare exhibition space appearing as a kinetic thread between the artworks, also a link with the Musée d’Art et d’Histoire in Geneva, where it was shown as part of his solo this year. The first idea was to build a ball track that would be deployed in the entire exhibition spaces, going through the walls, the floors, etc. Because the museum is a protected historic building, this wasn’t entirely possible. But the balls are still rolling through some paintings, engaging the visitor to let his eye navigate beyond what’s immediately visible, imagining a new reality behind the works, between walls, in a constant flux of motion. There’s no set itinerary here. The public is invited to immerse itself in a joyful and playful abundance of objects, references and interventions proposed by the artist in the name of what he himself calls “elegant vandalism”.
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