Particolare Particolare

Alicja Kwade
Amáss , 2021

Concrete, copper.
225 x 120 x 109 cm, 1240 kg
Courtesy of the artist and Mennour, Paris

This series was developed based on an earlier series of works untitled “Hypothetische Gebilde” (2005-2019). This time a solid volume is involved. Starting from a perfect geometrical cuboid, parts are taken from this body to make room for connections between the copper funnels, which are facing all the directions of a mathematical graph: x, y, z—the coordinates which allow us to describe our 3-dimensional world. The funnels stand for possible, hypothetical connections in space and time between parallel universes.

These forms also remind us of instruments that generate sound and music through vibration, like theoretical strings (from the String Theory) that generate everything, all matter, there is.

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